Frequently Asked Questions


  • What are broken links?

  • What are the effects of broken links?

  • What is search engine ranking?

    Search engine ranking is the position of a website in the list of search engine results for a particular query. Ranking depends on many factors such as content quality, site structure, strength of external links and relevance to the user's query. A high search engine ranking can lead to more site visits and higher conversion rates.

  • How do broken links affect search engine rankings?

    Broken links can negatively affect a site's search engine ranking, as they indicate a lack of quality content on the site and can deter visitors. Search engines may consider broken links as a sign of unreliability and low quality of the site.

  • What is a crowding budget?

    A crawling budget is a limit that is placed on the number of pages that can be crawled and indexed by search engine robots in a certain period of time. This budget can be used to manage a search robot's resources and limit the number of pages it can visit on your site.

  • How do broken links affect crawling budgets?

    Broken links can have a negative impact on the crawling budget, as search engine robots will spend resources to find and index pages that do not exist. This can lead to the fact that some pages of the site may not be indexed or indexed with a delay.

  • What are user behavioral factors?

    User behavioral factors are metrics that track and measure user actions on a website. These can be metrics such as time on site, number of pages viewed, clicks on links, and more. These metrics can help you understand how users interact with your site.

  • How do broken links affect user behavioral factors?

    Broken links can negatively affect user behavioral factors, as they can lead to user inconvenience and frustration when users cannot find the information they are looking for. This can cause users to leave the site earlier than expected, leading to a decrease in page views, link clicks and other metrics.

  • What is user experience?

    User experience is the sum of impressions and emotions a user feels when interacting with your website. This can include aspects such as accessibility of information, ease of navigation, appearance and design, responsiveness and page load speed. The overall goal is to create a pleasant and rewarding experience for the user so that they want to return to the site in the future and recommend it to others.

  • How do broken links affect the user experience?

    Broken links can have a negative impact on user experience, as they can lead to inconvenience and frustration for users when trying to find the information they are looking for on a website. When users stumble upon broken links they may receive an error, or be redirected to a non-existent page. This can reduce user satisfaction and trust in the site.

  • How to avoid the negative impact of broken links on a website?



  • How do I register an account?

    Go to the "Registration" page and fill out the form. After submitting the form, an email with instructions on how to activate your account will be sent to the specified email address.

  • How do I change username?

    Contact us if you would like to change your username.

  • How do I change email address?

    Contact us if you would like to change your email address.

  • How do I delete an account?

    Go to the "Settings" page and follow the instructions. Please note! For security reasons, you will not be able to use your current username and email address to re-register. Please contact us if this is really necessary.

Contact us if the answer to your question is not on this list.